Children’s Department
ASC KIDS is the Children’s Ministries Department of Altamonte Springs Church and focuses on the development of each child from the moment they are dedicated. We believe each child is created in Christ and designed for His purpose. We are committed to showing each child they are unique in God’s sight as we welcome each gift and talent they bring to the table.
As children are dedicated, we highlight the meaning of their names to indicate that their heavenly Father knew them before they were born and that their names carry special meaning. We are vested in seeing their growth spiritually, academically, and creatively as they do service for Christ Kingdom. Join us every first Sabbath for a dynamic Kids PraizeTime program where kids are free to express their worship to God in their own way for God’s glory!
Music Department
The music department at the “Springs” leads the church through praise and worship.
“But thou art holy, O thou that inhabits the praise of Israel.”
Psalms 22:3
Music has the power to move individuals and reinforce spiritual healing. Music can touch our hearts and prepare the mind to receive the word of the Lord by sharing the gospel through song. If you want to experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, come and worship with us at Altamonte Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church where you will be revived, refreshed, and renewed.

Love First Ministries
Love First Ministries is the Greeting Service at Altamonte Springs SDA Church. We are the Front Line of the Church when visitors walk through those doors, because we are usually the first faces they see and their first point of reference to the warmth of the church.
Our responsibility is to make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable when they arrive to set the tone for a wonderful worship experience. Love First Ministries is a great place to start when new members want to get involved in a ministry. Not only can they relate to being a visitor, but greeting gives them the opportunity to meet other church members and serve in a ministry that is not too demanding. If you are interested in becoming a greeter, please Text Tracey Esperance at (407) 431-3698.
Men’s Ministry
We are very active, ministering to the needs of our young men, their families, and our community. We have remained active during the pandemic. We’re prayerfully requesting all men of our church family to please join us. We meet every other Sabbath on zoom (95748955910).

Health Ministry
We maintained a very active presence in our church. You have seen our very dedicated nurses, and other health care professionals working very diligent providing safety during the pandemic. Earlier this year we had our first Community Health Fare. We offered professional recertification’s to our health care providers and needed health education to our community. Please join us as we lift high the Right Hand of the Gospel.
Homeless Ministry
Homelessness is not new and has been around for centuries. Jesus was very clear that we need to care for societies homeless. There are 100 Bible verses about helping the homeless. Jesus and his disciples knew homelessness.
In Matthew 8:20 Jesus said,” Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, the Son of man has no place to lay His head”. Jesus also said in Proverbs 19:17, ”Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.”
We at Altamonte Springs SDA church value the homeless and what Jesus calls us to do as a church. The homeless ministry has partnered with First Baptist Church of Apopka for clothing for the homeless. We also collect hygiene product care packages for distribution. Our homeless ministry has recently given out over 75 backpacks and care packets to the homeless in Orlando. We have also provided hot meals. If you have compassion and empathy and a heart for giving, please join our homeless ministry here at Altamonte Springs SDA.

Women’s Ministry
Altamonte Springs SDA Women’s Ministries aims to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women. Our goal is to create a safe place where women can build relationships, feel supported, strengthened, gain unique experiences through programs, projects and events, and most importantly to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community.
Prayer Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist church recognizes that prayer is the key of faith to unlock heaven’s store house. No prayer, no power. Jesus encourages us to pray for everything and without season. “My house shall be called the house of prayer”.
For the church to fulfill its optimal mission, ministry, and for the body of Christ to survive spiritually, prayer must be the primary ingredient. “For the weapons of our warfare are not canal but mighty through God to the pulling down of the strong holds.” Powerful, earnest, and spiritually led prayers before meetings, worships, and preaching, prepares and draws hearts to receive the heavenly sent messages. It brings spiritual transformation, peace, healing, and divine breakthrough in our lives. Join us on zoom or in person and let us pray together and receive your divine blessing through the power of prayer at Altamonte Springs church.